Rachel in England

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Birthday Parties Galore...

Wow, sorry if my blog is in danger of flatlining. This is the week of birthdays (and therefore mega partying). Allow me to recap.

Last Thursday: Baraka social for the Morocco Hitch + we brought some friends along for the ride. Good times
Friday: Sophie's birthday. All out party at our flat, filled hallway with balloons, lots of cake, bowls of wine, chocolate fountain, pizza, etc. (unfortunately, we missed an Otley run for my friend Nico's birthday which was on Saturday)
Saturday: my first day of work, then Amy's birthday with bangers and mash for dinner, followed by a night out
Sunday: recovery day
Monday: Ola's birthday, another night out
Tuesday: Work! chess, pass out
Wednesday: Work all day, Jeff's Bday!! surprise party for him at Gustavo's place. And he didn't suspect a thing!
Thursday (aka tomorrow): Veena's birthday = party on Friday!! somehow I am suspicious tomororw will be another night out..

(brief mention: to assure good friends and family back home that I am not wasting my time and money partying, I have gotten 4/5 marks back from first semester so far, and I assure you, I have done very well!! I promise ;) it's all about the balance!)

So yes, I've been insanely busy, got an essay to write for next week before my parents come with my sister, followed by the Morocco Hitch and maybe other travels. What a mouthful...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missed your blogs. Glad you are back on line.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Rach, you've finally posted a new blog. I was getting tired of staring at your V-Day one for too long.

Even though you've done an excessive amount of "partying" and "birthdays", I still think your marks are fabulous! Congrats and you did a great job too.

I can't wait to see you since there's only six days left. The one thing on Mom's mind next week I predict is what clothes she should bring... and the only thing on my mind is England, England and England. I know roomin' with you in your flat will be a little bit annoying, but yeah, that's life. Have a great weekend and I'll see you in a week!!

Love, Brooke

7:18 AM  

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