Rachel in England

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Full Monty

Before I forget, I just HAVE to revel in how amazing last night was. First off, our flat got tickets to see the Bretton campus university production of the Full Monty at Leeds. I wasn't expecting much, but WOW it was so good, so well done, and soo funny, especially hearing the jeering coming from the audience at some points. Anna caught one of their hats. Definitely a good girls night out!! And to top all that off, our friend Arsh invited us to this little Indian party for one of his best friends in the university bar, the Mine. Once again, not expecting much, or anything really at all, the party ended up having an open bar and lots of dancing, and was just full of pure debauchery. Afterwards, Anninha lead us on this wild goose chase around the back of campus to find the 1.99 pizza at 3 am- which we did find. I must have made it home at 4 am to the flat all sprawled out and munching their pizzas in our narrow hallway. Presently, Steph with the aid of Jeff and some of her flatmates have taken on themselves a project of building a gingerbread house from scratch. While I helped eat some of eat before it even got made, it's safe to say that although 1/3 of the house has suffered some first or second degree burns from cooking in the oven, construction is well underway and looking rather yummy!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

£1.50 pizza actually - and we deserved it after r gym work out 2day! much love xxxx

4:28 PM  
Blogger Laura Rose said...

Great, now I have "Hot Stuff" in my head. THANKS A LOT, RACH!

12:22 PM  

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