Rachel in England

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Toga, Toga, Toga!

Toga toga toga!

Yes, I attended a toga party last night in the student union along with a few hundred people I suppose. Prior to the party, the Canadians of Montague Burton held a pumpkin carving contest. Nicole and I took on a few other fierce competitors, but I should warn that I am not known for my artistic drawing skills. It was fun nonetheless to see Anna and Renata from Brazil carve her first pumpkin. I could not stay to see the end result of all the pumpkin carving, as I had to get ready for the toga party! The girls all got some sheets and accessories to wear, and the costume ended up looking very nice, as the photos will show! We all had loads of fun taking 220 pictures, and I must say that arriving back at the flat at 4 in the morning and baking a feast in the oven and devouring it on the floor of our kitchen was very funny as none of us could not stop laughing.

Today, our flat had the pleasure of meeting Anna's family from Belgium. In addition to bringing us delicious Belgian chocolates which are quickly disappearing, they were all so sweet, and if you are reading this, it was an absolute pleasure to meet you all!

I am very much enjoying my lectures (well, most of them anyways) and am becoming quite fond of the British/European university system. My English professor is so nice and approachable. In fact, before the start of yesterday's lecture, he came up to Steph and I and jokingly apologized for the rainy weather. Of course, I can't possibly omit that there seems to be so much less work involved over here. Although you are responsible for the same amount of material back home, here they allow you to work on it at your own pace, which, in my humble opinion, is more efficient. Even more so, I just found out recently that the essay I have due next Friday for Modern Literature does not count for marks. Although it is mandatory that I hand it in, it at least takes off most of the pressure, as they are meant to get you exploring the connections between different works and their relevance to modern literature. Instead of being so concerned with what "one thinks one should be handing in", it allows more room for personal experimentation, which I obviously appreciate.

My blog doesn't seem to be allowing me to post any more photos, so I'll have to check back and try to add them at a later date!


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