More Drama, Please
The past couple of days have started to resemble a soap opera, and I can hear the refrain in the background singing "no more drama please".
It seems I had a little trouble in getting approval for equivalence on my chemistry course. Basically, McMaster chemistry refused to give me credit for their introductory course based on what I'd be taking over here. Apparently they are too disimilar, which I find rather odd considering that math and chemistry are both universal languages. The professor here was very surprised at this decision, as he thought that Leeds had one of the best, and let me say, most rigorous chemistry programs in the world. I refer to it as chemistry boot camp, or as my classmate so comically put it, chemistry concentration camp... It somehow turned into a whole shpeil but I owe Dr. Sutherland and Shelly back at Arts and Science many thanks for getting this sorted out.
So instead of having to deal with this whole issue, and having to take a separate lab course, I've decided for the sake of my sanity, my time and my effort, that it is in my best interest to postpone, or I should say, put off taking chemistry for one more year. So in place, I get to fill up a couple more credits with stuff I actually enjoy! THis will be the first time I have ever had the pleasure of not taking any math-like courses (I don't mind the sciences apart from the math). So far I'll be taking psychology- cognition, emotion, motivation this semester and getting equivalence for it back home. I'll also probably overload slightly (if allowed) and take either a course on Freud and his impact on culture and society as examined through his works and the works of his followers (he does seem to pop up everywhere), or a course in theology called sociology and religion. This course seems more of a survey course, and I think I'll be happier with Freud. Joy! Tonight will be the ceremonial burning of the chemistry material! whoo hoo. Hopefully will not be setting off any more fire alarms in this building at 4 AM...
A couple of nights ago, I got to see my first rugby match- Leeds University vs. Leeds Metropolitain. THere is a huge rivalry between the two schools- go uni!!! its pronounced younay with the accent- which is what I was trying to yell all night long. We won 26-23, and it was very exciting, and I still don't understand much of the rules, but who's complaining when you get to watch muscley men in short shorts run around and tackle eachother..
Last night a bunch of us went out to this club called Oceana, which is a beautifully decked out cruiseship turned nightclub. Although it was gorgeous and flashy and all that shizzle, the music was terrible (who plays MMMbop at a club on a Thursday night?). Although some of us secretly enjoyed it, make that all of us with our little guilty 90's boyband pleasures, it was a little much. Not my kind of atmosphere- a little over the top for me!
Oh, today we had a guest lecturer for environment and society, a Canadian lecturer to be exact. I thought I had been so sick because I hadn't been able to understand people/lecturers very well over here. Today I realized, that naturally, it's just my inability to adjust properly to the British accent, because I understood him so well! But I'm still pretty ill today so I'm going to take it easy this weekend and study (no more having to devote all my time to chemistry).
I'm sure that the drama is likely to continue in some form or another, but since I seem to have an uncanny tendency to keep myself incredibly busy, I think I'm asking for it anyways, but that's what makes life interesting!
*diary of a sh*t disturber* Cheers!
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