Rachel in England

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Leeds, Living it, Loving it.

Wow. I can't believe I've only been here for about two weeks. It's gone by so fast, but at the same time, I feel like I've been here for two months. So fast, in fact, that I have trouble remembering what I did yesterday (no, it's not because of alcohol). I ran a whole bunch of errands yesterday, from signing up for sports, to signing up for societies, including JSoc (Jewish Society), of course. There are a whole bunch of clubs that take a bunch of trips and I will definitely be joining those. There is a hitchhike or two to Amsterdam, Paris, and Morocco and I can't wait to learn more about that. I had my training yesterday for computer advisor, and although I felt slightly out of place, I think I managed to just slide by- I start next Monday and I hope that I can fix people's computers. I've also been applying for a whole bunch of other jobs and see what comes up. So far I've gotten a call back from a real estate agent but I seem to have forgotten what it was for. Steph and I also switched our environment class for efficiency reasons. I basically have at least 2 of 3 classes with Steph each semester, so we'll be seeing a lot of eachother, and maybe I'll swap her with Ash for Katy ;) of course I am just kidding (I promise).

As horrible as this may sound, I haven't really felt homesick yet but I think that's just because I've made so many good friends already with the other international students, as well as my flatmates who are absolutely fun and adorable.

I wanted to go to London today or tomorrow but it just seems that we all have soo much to do before school starts on Monday that it just may not work out.

After a night out on the town last night, I am very happy to report that I had my first sleep in today since I've gotten here, and perhaps even longer than that. For some reason, I still feel pretty tired still. I think it will be nice to settle in a routine and have a little order and structure to my days. Oh another thing, it's been maybe a week since I've had my mobile, and already I have used up maybe 7 pounds, or 15$. oops. Text messaging is really big here so I may switch to a pay as you go plan with cheaper texts and more expensive minutes- I've been mostly texting anyways. For the most part it seems like a rather non-invasive form of communication that can get really annoying when you have to type so many of them on a number dial.

If you are reading these postings please feel free to comment and let me know- as I have no idea who is actually reading these things. One thing I will say, is that it is very interesting and provoking to see how our culture is viewed by British, and say Brazilian, or European culture- particularly with regards to American culture (which is probably so similar to ours). In a sense, the contrast between North American and Overseas culture becomes really apparent when you compare their respective behaviours. At the risk of sounding rude, and politically incorrect, I will just say that I have developed quite a different opinion of American and North American culture since I have arrived. It's been a broadening of perspectives, but at the same time, a narrowing of one in the sense that it's easy to see how similar we all our despite our apparent differences (I think they say that humans of all races and ethnicities and cultures share 98% or 99% of their DNA with eachother).

In another interesting mention, Anna was telling me about how there is less economic disparity in Denmark than in most other surrounding countries, and on a separate occassion mentioned that there really are no prevailing religions in Denmark. I don't think that this is coincidental, and as the high holy days approach, I begin to question/contemplate the nature and extent of my faith in Judaism. It just seems to me that the religious aspects of relgion stem from the cultural and traditional aspects and practises that have positive social outcomes. As Karl Marx said, "religion is the opiate of the masses". I shall probably continue this conversation when I get to take some philosophy courses hopefully next semester, and maybe even this one if I overload- because we really do have much less class here- but not if I apparently have chem 5 days a week :S

Well I am off to go gather my laundry (which is REDICULOUSLY expensive here in these residence facilities) and shall soon return! P.S. it is offensive here to give a peace sign with your palms facing inward towards you, so peace on the outside!


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